Time spent on digital platforms, including desktop and mobile, saw massive gains over the last year. Digital time spent topped nearly 1.2 trillion minutes in June 2014, increasing by 24% over the same month last year, according to a report by comScore, analyzed by BI Intelligence.
• Time spent in mobile apps jumped over 50% in one year: Much of this growth came from mobile apps, with time spent on the medium reaching over 621 billion minutes, jumping by 52% from the prior year.
• That’s 34 hours on average per month, for every U.S. inhabitant, or over one hour daily.
• Mobile web usage also increased: Time spent on mobile websites hit over 97 billion minutes, rising by 17% year-over-year.
• Time spent on desktop and laptop PCs remained flat during the period: It topped nearly 481 billion minutes, after growing by just 1% from the prior year.
Social media apps dominate mobile app usage. Facebook, for instance, was the most popular mobile app in June in terms of unique monthly visitors, according to comScore.